Student And Clients
Admission Requirements
The process of admission to a program consists of the following steps:
- The determination of eligibility for entry into any program at BTC.
- The determination of eligibility for entry in the specific programs of the applicant’s choice (program eligibility).
- The selection from among all eligible applicants where numbers exceed available spaces.

Student And Clients
Student Eligibility
In order to be eligible for admission to BTC a student must:
- Be 16 years or older.
- Certified copies of GCE\CXC certificates and or transcript of their equivalent where required. Original copies must NOT be submitted.
- Two (2) Passport size photos of applicant must be submitted to be place in file.
How To Apply
- A student must submit a completed Application Form, along with an official Report Card/Book, CXC result slip/Certificate, high school or equivalency diploma and a registration fee, to the Office of Admissions.
- Students who have completed their education outside of the Commonwealth of Dominica may submit a notarized copy of high school diploma, certificate and the required registration fee.
- During a personal interview, a BTC Admissions Advisor will provide information about the programs of study and career opportunities.
Any student who has not maintained continuous enrolment (except for approved leave of absence) must apply for re-admission through the Admissions Office.
or click here to download printable application form.